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The Last Will and Testament of George Hall of Taunton

By Kathryn Hall | May 3, 2008

home of George Hall of Taunton
Home of George Hall 128 Dean Street (Memorial tablet placed on home prior to 250th Anniversary Celebration in Taunton; home then occupied by descendant Mrs. Mary B. Washburn. Photo courtesy Taunton Public Library.)

The Last Will and Testament of Gorge hall of Taunton deceased exhibited to the Court held att New Plymouth the first day of March 1669 on the oath of Richard Williams

In the Name of God Amen;

Gorge hall of Taunton in the Iurisdiction of New Plymouth being in health and memory (blessed be the Lord) doe heer make my last Will and Testament in manor and forme as followeth; I Comitt my speritt into the hands of the Lord and doe dispose of my goods as followeth; Item I giue to my wife during her widdow hood; The parte of my dwelling bouse; that parte which I built Last; and tbe Garden Ioyning to it; and halfe my new barne; and halfe the staule against the barne; Item I giue her that I bought of Benjamine Wilson lying between Richard Williams and that which was Nicbolas harts; which is eight acrees which Lyeth on the North syde of tbe great Riuer; Item I giue vnto my wife the Land that is called by the Name of Cobbs Neck and all the land That I brok vp in the Necke that Iohn hall hath; and one acree more (If shee want it); Item I giue her more att broad Coue a Carriage of hay: halfe in Samuells and halfe in Iosephs;(if shee doth want it) for her selfe; This is my wifes dureing her widdow hood; after to be disposed as followeth; and I make her my exequitrix) Item I giue vnto my son Iohn hall the Necke of Land Called by the Name of Ione Wyates bed; and the Land the house stands vpon; and the 4 acrees that Reacheth against Tabetts Land and the Necke Called by the Name of Cobbs necke and 76 acrees by the great Riuer; att the further syde of Thomas deans Land on the eastsyde To him and his heires for euer; Item I giue vnto my son Samuell hall my great Lott: viz: all my land there Lying from the great Riuer to Iames Leanards Land; the one syde is against hesekia hores Land; and the other syde against Mr Pooles Lands and twenty two acrees against the great Riuer on the west syde of Thomas deanes: Item I giue vnto my son Samuell my twenty acrees and the meddow belonging to it att the three mile Riuer Called Romford; and halfe my meddow att Broad Coue; Item I giue to my daughter Charity six pound; Item I giue vnto my sonne Ioseph hall my homlott which is eight acrees two acrees wherof I bought of William harvey and six acrees ouer the great Riuer; and I giue vnto him that which I bought of Benjamine Wilson which is eight acrees vpon the Northsyde of the great Riuer; The east syde against Richard Williams Item I giue him halfe my meddow att broad Coue.; Samuell is to parte it equally and Ioseph is to Choose the halfe hee will haue; and I giue him my Purchase and ten acrees from the towne of my deuision; Item I giue to my grandchildren to each of them forty shillings Item I giue to my daughter Sarah twenty pounds; and if shee doe not match to her Mothers mind shee is to haue but sixteen pounds; Item I giue to the Church in Taunton forty shillings to buy Cupps; Item I giue to William Euens twenty shillings Item I giue to my son Iohn My new Purchase; Item I giue to my daughter Mary forty shillings; Item I giue to my son Samuell six acrees of Land That is due to mee from the Towne and three acrees of swampe; Gorge hall;


Richard Williams

Walter deane;

[from Plymouth Colony Wills and Inventories, vol. III, p. 16]

Topics: Massachusetts | 11 Comments »

11 Responses to “The Last Will and Testament of George Hall of Taunton”

  1. Mary Says:
    May 3rd, 2008 at 4:40 pm

    Marvelous! Sounds as if Sarah was a handful!

  2. admin Says:
    May 3rd, 2008 at 6:41 pm

    Hi, Mary! Something indicated about that daughter, for sure! KH

  3. ROSE Says:
    May 6th, 2008 at 6:46 am

    great information. how do i get a photo of the home shown?

  4. admin Says:
    May 6th, 2008 at 7:13 am

    Hi, Rose, photo emailed to you. Thanks for visiting. We finally have a place for everything. Join us! Kathryn

  5. Micki Beston Says:
    August 22nd, 2008 at 5:26 pm

    What a wonderful piece of history to see my ancestors old home. Thank you for posting it and can I get a copy of the picture? Thanks again for the post.

  6. admin Says:
    August 22nd, 2008 at 6:32 pm

    Hi, Micki, thanks for the visit. I’m looking forward to hearing how you are connected to this family. KH

  7. Generations 1-3 | Halls Of Bristol County Says:
    January 2nd, 2010 at 8:16 pm

    […] George Hall, Born c. 1603 in Devonshire, England. Died 30 October 1669 in Taunton, Bristol Co., MA. Married Mary c. 1630 in England. Died c. 1680 (?) in Taunton, Bristol, MA. [Mary’s ancestry not yet known.] It is believed George and Mary emigrated from Devonshire Co, England in 1636-37. Last will and testament of George Hall found here. […]

  8. Gayle Childers Says:
    January 15th, 2012 at 8:07 pm

    George Hall is my 9th great-grandfather through his daughter Charity, who married second my direct ancestor, Richard Burt. It would be wonderful to receive an email photo of his home.

    Has anyone ever figured out who his wife was? I followed the Mary Williams line all the way to the House of Tudor, but deleted it all because I couldn’t verify it. I have seen her name as Mary Kirkpatrick and Mary Childs and Mary Mitchell. What a mystery!

    Thanks in advance.

  9. admin Says:
    January 16th, 2012 at 10:17 am

    Hi, Gayle, and welcome. Yes, I do believe Mary is one of our brick walls. I’m hoping through DNA testing we will eventually jump the pond and discover who George’s father was, and perhaps then we will have a solid trail to find out who Mary was, as well. KH

  10. TajM Says:
    June 5th, 2012 at 6:07 pm

    I believe George is my 11th great grandfather through his daughter Charity and her first husband John Gallop. They had a daughter Esther, who married Henry Hodges. Esther is my 9th great grandmother.

  11. admin Says:
    June 6th, 2012 at 7:20 am

    Thank you for the visit. KH
