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Inventory of the Estate of George Hall of Taunton–with notes

Monday, January 11th, 2016

Having just read The Mayflower, Nathaniel Philbrick’s ambitious and brilliant rendering of the Plymouth community, I’m finding the histories of those ancestors more palpable, more approachable than ever before. One impulse, then, is leading to this additional post of the inventory of the estate of George Hall of Taunton, my Earliest Known Ancestor, this time […]

The Inventory of George Hall of Taunton

Tuesday, January 5th, 2016

Following is the official inventory of George Hall of Taunton, from Plymouth Colony Wills, apprised by Richard Williams and Walter Deane, siting “Mistris Mary hall Widdow” [sic]. February 8, 1669/1670 Plymouth Colony Wills 3:17 #P176 The Inventory of George Hall A true Inventory of the estate of Gorge hall of Taunton in the Iurisdiction of […]

George Hall of Taunton: Halls of New England excerpt

Tuesday, June 11th, 2013

The following is an excerpt from The Halls of New England compiled by David Brainard Hall and published in 1883. THE HALLS OF TAUNTON, MASS. George Hall and his wife Mary [Family i), were the ancestors of the Halls of Taunton. They emigrated, it is said, from Devonshire County, England, in 1636-7. George Hall is […]

Ancient Iron Works in Taunton (Part Two)

Thursday, February 10th, 2011

The following is a verbatim excerpt of “Ancient Iron Works in Taunton” by J.W.D. Hall in New England Historical and Genealogical Register [1884]. I have taken the liberty to capitalize all references to George Hall, our earliest known ancestor, as now proven through DNA results. (See posts on this blog for further information.) It is […]

Generations 1-3

Saturday, January 2nd, 2010

Dear Readers: Following are the details of the first three generations of my family, beginning with my earliest known ancestor, George Hall of Taunton, Bristol Co., MA. I expect that in spite of monumental efforts there will be adjustments to be made. Fortunately the fluidity of blogs allows precisely that! Note that bold lettering of […]

Mystery or Blind Spot? Who is in this grave?

Monday, January 12th, 2009

Photos courtesy of Brady E. Fitts The above simple, very old gravestone has in the past been the subject of much debate between various researchers of the families descended from Edward Hall of Rehoboth and from George Hall of Taunton. Why this has been debated is a mystery when the facts are set forth, but […]

Samuel & Abigail Hall 1686 Deed, Taunton, Bristol, MA

Saturday, September 6th, 2008

As stated early on one of the challenges of sorting out the ancestors of George Hall has been to clarify the confusion created by earlier genealogists in their documentation of the descendants of Edward Hall and the descendants of George Hall who were both named Samuel. We have been indebted to the research of Marsha […]

Introduction to Old Iron Works in Taunton

Sunday, June 1st, 2008

Fireback, Sussex Ironworks Collection, Sussex Archaelogical Society at Lewes. “This 17th Century fireback represents a Sussex ironfounder and the implements of his trade. Inscription reads: ‘Richard Leonard, at Brede Fournis, 1636.’ ” from Kipling’s Sussex by Robert Thornton Hopkins. Photo provided courtesy of Brad Leonard. Note: no connection to the Taunton Leonards has been proven. […]

Iron Works of Taunton-Part One

Saturday, May 24th, 2008

On January 19, 1890 an article appeared in the New York Times entitled “Taunton’s Two Old Houses: An Antiquarian on the History of the Leonard Mansions.” The antiquarian referenced was genealogist Elisha Clark Leonard who presented a paper at the Old Colony Historical Society entitled “Ancient Iron Works and Leonard Mansions of Taunton.” The image […]

Marsha Hoffman Rising on Halls of Taunton

Saturday, May 17th, 2008

Well-known and highly respected certified genealogist Marsha Hoffman Rising is current president of the American Society of Genealogists and a contributing editor for The American Genealogist. She is the author of The Family Tree Problem Solver: Proven Methods for Scaling the Inevitable Brick Wall. The following article, “A Maze of Halls in Taunton, Massachusetts: Correlating […]

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