Archive for May, 2008
Somers North Cemetery: Hall Gravestones
Wednesday, May 28th, 2008Following are photos of gravestones of our direct Hall family, taken last fall by one of my first cousins who made the trek to the North Cemetery in Somers, Connecticut to document our family. To her we are grateful. 1. Gravestone of Samuel Hall, son of Samuel Hall and Sarah Rising, b. 2 Dec 1710 […]
Iron Works of Taunton-Part One
Saturday, May 24th, 2008On January 19, 1890 an article appeared in the New York Times entitled “Taunton’s Two Old Houses: An Antiquarian on the History of the Leonard Mansions.” The antiquarian referenced was genealogist Elisha Clark Leonard who presented a paper at the Old Colony Historical Society entitled “Ancient Iron Works and Leonard Mansions of Taunton.” The image […]
Marsha Hoffman Rising on Halls of Taunton
Saturday, May 17th, 2008Well-known and highly respected certified genealogist Marsha Hoffman Rising is current president of the American Society of Genealogists and a contributing editor for The American Genealogist. She is the author of The Family Tree Problem Solver: Proven Methods for Scaling the Inevitable Brick Wall. The following article, “A Maze of Halls in Taunton, Massachusetts: Correlating […]
Ode to Taunton River upon the 250th Anniversary of Taunton
Saturday, May 10th, 2008Photo courtesy Andy Niles and Sweet Taunton Flow gently, sweet Taunton, thy bright course along, Flow gently, sweet river, the theme of my song, For planted along by they silvery tide, Are the happiest homes in the all the world wide. We love thee, sweet River: thy banks are so green As when by […]
The Last Will and Testament of George Hall of Taunton
Saturday, May 3rd, 2008Home of George Hall 128 Dean Street (Memorial tablet placed on home prior to 250th Anniversary Celebration in Taunton; home then occupied by descendant Mrs. Mary B. Washburn. Photo courtesy Taunton Public Library.) The Last Will and Testament of Gorge hall of Taunton deceased exhibited to the Court held att New Plymouth the first day […]