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Introducing HallsofBristolCounty.com
By Kathryn Hall | February 26, 2008
Welcome. In pondering what might be a good entryway into HallsofBristolCounty.com I seriously considered introducing my own introduction to the Halls of Bristol County history, and that would be through my father’s sister, Annie Hall Lindquist, to whom I do, indeed, owe a deep depth of gratitude for religiously and faithfully planting the many seeds of family lore and history into my consciousness, that eventually took root most largely, (unfortunately), after she was no longer here so that I might say, “Wait! What exactly did you mean by that?” Sigh. And so it goes. If there’s a moral to that tale (should it need to be explained) it is Ask Now. While they are still here. Got it? In any case, I decided against that approach because, frankly, it would leave me with the irony of beginning this blog with someone who was not a Hall at all. She was a Stedman who married a Hall. And my determination to figure her history remains elusive. So, no. Mercy Stedman Hall shall be introduced in proper sequence. For, yes, there shall be sequences and next post you shall see Generation One, beginning with George and Mary Hall and so forth, down the line to the living Halls, who shall remain nameless while still on planet Earth, per the reasonable etiquette of genealogy.
And so we are left with the pieces of the puzzle to labor over what I refer to as the Ultimate Human Jigsaw Puzzle–in this case, mine, and, if you happen to be related, and you most likely are if you are reading this, yours–or not, depending on the ultimate outreach of this blog.
For anyone who has done this sort of research one comes to recognize certain things, some of them magical, and at very least, synchronistic (as if that were not magic enough) and archetypal. In other words, we who do this work find there are certain truisms that repeatedly emerge.
For me personally synchronicity has played a part in my recognizing that I have lived twice most conspicuously, as a young woman, in places where my early ancestors lived and owned large pieces of land–land I would near to tread upon both in high school in Massachusetts and later in college in Ohio. It is unsettling to learn this sort of thing. I’m sure you have your version of this if you have entered this field of study. It is also reaffirming to find these discoveries. You will have yours if you choose to embark upon this journey, though you are just as welcome to simply cruise along and share mine and ours.
As for the archetypal side of things, I am compelled to share a portion of a document I recently found from the Pease family. [And there are many Pease family members among our Halls, just as there are Cooleys and Parsons, among others.] And so I close this first post with what I found to be aptly put by someone who was writing in the 1800’s about his own genealogical endeavors. And you may trust me that not much has changed. All of these elements still abound. The primary difference, most likely, is the introduction of DNA research, which I hope to include here as a way of making firm our paper trails, and thus ensure the highest quality of work. This is not to say I will not also include family stories and lore. But now in the words of Rev. David Pease in 1869:
…considerations have led the writer to comply with a request to prepare for the press a genealogical record of the descendants of John Pease, Sen. It appeared, at the time this request was made, quite possible that, with what had been done, the object could be accomplished with convenient dispatch and in a short time. In this we have been disappointed.
By way of apology to our subscribers for the long delay in the appearance of this volume, we desire to say that its preparation has involved a much greater amount of historical and genealogical investigation than was anticipated at the commencement, resulting in important changes, and thereby hindering our progress; while professional and domestic duties have diminished the amount of time necessary to be devoted to it.
…We do not expect this Record will be found without errors. Some blanks have been unavoidable, as we have been unsuccessful in our efforts to obtain the desired information about families, names, and dates: there are also many ways for mistakes to occur. But whatever defects may be found in this work, we wish to remind our kinsmen that we have designed to make it a reliable basis by which all the descendants… may trace themselves, in an unbroken line, back to England; and if there should be any stray family or individual who has not been registered in this Record, the appropriate place can be found, and the names placed in lineal order.
It remains for the writer to express his gratitude to those who have, in any way, aided us in this labor, while we assure them their correspondence and acquaintance has awakened a kindred feeling which will be pleasant to cherish, and an ardent desire for the present and future good of those to whom these pages are devoted.from A GENEALOGICAL AND HISTORICAL RECORD OF THE DESCENDANTS OF JOHN PEASE, SEN., Last of Enfield, Connecticut
Topics: Introduction | 9 Comments »
February 28th, 2008 at 8:34 am
Thanks for all this wonderful work. My grandfather was Seth Hall. I have some geneology going back about 4-5 generations thanks to my aunt Mary Jane Caliban (Hall) and my mother, Edith MacNair (Hall).
February 28th, 2008 at 8:46 am
Hi, Fred, how thrilling! Mary is so supportive. Have you heard how I came to find her? I was trying to find the “owners of a Hall Family Bible” and googled Mary Caliban and ended up talking on the phone to her daughter in law? I think that’s right. Had her name not also been Mary I don’t think I would ever have found your aunt! Please stay in touch and visit often. This is going to be an interesting adventure. Kathryn
March 4th, 2008 at 3:32 pm
How exciting to have the blog up and running. It’s wonderful!
March 4th, 2008 at 3:57 pm
Welcome, Susan! Thanks for your part! Kathryn
April 25th, 2008 at 6:20 am
Hi Kathryn. I answered your e-mail. I have the 1869 Pease record, but missed that GREAT excerpt by Rev. David. …” a much greater than…what was anticipated” How very true. If there is anything you need from my book on the Pease Family from Great Baddow,I’ll gladly share it either personaly or in this website. Good luck and keep it growing.
Rick in Taunton, MA
April 25th, 2008 at 7:19 am
Hi, Rick! Thanks for your quick response. I was really shocked to hear that Ruby Pease’s grandmother drowned herself in a well. I do hope it was an accident. Hearing these incidents always affect me. I will light a candle for Charity Clark Cooley, bless her heart. Thanks for visiting and thank you for the encouragement. So appreciated!
April 29th, 2008 at 3:01 pm
Kathryn after looking at your site, I can say it is great and will be a big help for all the Hall Family. I was very honored that you ask me to look at HallsofBristolCounty. The information you have provided will be a great help to all researchers.
I will say this, if you don’t have question you don’t learn the truth. It doesn’t matter what is written, there will always be errors and questions. Questions is how we learn the right from the wrong. I can say to everyone, If you have a question ask it, for someone else has the same question and will not ask.
I would suggest that if you have information on the family no matter what share it. No matter how small, such as the needle in a hay stack, it may open doors that have been closed for others.
April 29th, 2008 at 3:41 pm
Hi, Brady, Thank you so much for visiting the blog. I’m honored. I so appreciate your encouragement for the blog and for all who might come by to learn. Warm best, KH
November 8th, 2009 at 7:31 pm
Kathryn – A very interesting site. My great great grandaunt was Lucy Stedman so of all surnames to see at the onset it was a treat to see that and Cooley:).
I hope some day, some how the link with Ichabod is determined…perhaps through DNA testing it will be.
I will be checking back. Keep up the great work of helping to pass on such great family history.