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Pease family in West Cemetery, Somers, CT

By Kathryn Hall | August 24, 2008

As we explore some of the Hall/Pease connections in Enfield and Somers, CT I return to the gravestones that mark some of that early history in West Cemetery, Somers, CT. Given that tomorrow marks the Democratic National Convention in Denver where Barack Obama will formally accept the Democratic Party’s nomination for President, I thought it fitting to note the following in our extended maternal history.


Hon. Leverett Erwin Pease, Secretary of State, Born Feb. 14, 1818, Died April 4, 1883
Diligent in business, fervent in spirit serving the Lord

from Political Graveyards:

West Cemetery
Somers, Tolland County, Connecticut
Politicians buried here:
• Leverett Erwin Pease (1818-1883) — also known as Leverett E. Pease — of Somers, Tolland County, Conn. Born February 14, 1818. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Connecticut, 1860; Secretary of State of Connecticut, 1866-69. Died April 4, 1883. Interment at West Cemetery.


Julia P. Hyde wife of Leverett E. Pease, Born Jan. 28, 1820, Died Dec. 11, 1887.
“She stretcheth out her hand to the poor, yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy.”
Prov. 31.20

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