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History of Erie Conference–excerpt

By Kathryn Hall | February 10, 2010

The following is an excerpt from History of Erie Conference (1907) by Jason Nelson Fradenburgh. I am posting as part of my research in determining the background of Mercy Steadman, wife of Luke Hall. She is here alluded to, but not by name. She is surrounded by people who are most likely part of her Steadman family, but I have yet to determine how.
It has been projected that she was part of the Oliver Steadman family in Lee, Berkshire, Massachusetts and it has been projected that she is related to the Joseph Steadman family, father of Dennis Steadman. Indeed, that family has a Perry connection, and family lore maintains that Mercy had a connection to the Perry family. But, then, so does Oliver Steadman in MA. Another clue might be in the emergence of John Judson Steadman, who was reportedly from Cattaraugus County, NY. A future post will add more detail to the life of John Judson Steadman, who in 1831 was appointed third preacher of the Euclid and Cleveland Circuit, after being “converted under the labors of B.O. Plimpton in 1824-25.”
(History of Erie Conference, Fradenburgh)

Classes Organized at Aurora and Charlestown, O

Billings O. [Otis] Plimpton formed a class in Aurora, Ohio, in 1824, the momebers of which included Dudley Hollister and wife, Reuben Henry and wife, and Maria Ferguson.

In 1824 Ira Eddy and Billings O. Plimpton, traveling the Deerfield Circuit, formed a class in the town of Charlestown, Portage, Ohio. The following were the pioneer members. Claudius Coe and wife, Adna C. Coe and wife. Sarah C. Coe. Alpheus Baldwin, Luke Hall and wife, John Judson Steadman and Edward Steadman. Others were soon added, among whom are named: Dennis Steadman, Watson Steadman, Diodama Steadman and the two Misses Hall. In January 1825, Charles Elliott, the Presiding Elder, came to hold a quarterly meeting, and was refused the use of the little school house because the “Congregational minister, having the oldest right, claimed it.” Mr. Elliott accepted the offer of a barn. The floor was seated and made comfortable for the women, and a few bundles of straw were scattered on the ground in front of the door upon which men could stand. The meeting was duly held, and Mr. Elliott preached a crushing sermon against Calvinism. It was determined to build a church, and five trustees were appointed for that purpose. They obtained a lot and erected a neat brick church which was occupied by the society for many years. By the close of the year they numbered between thirty and forty members. (Gregg, History of Methodism, Erie Conference, Vol I, pp. 219-220)

The following is a corresponding excerpt from The History of Methodism Within the Boundaries of the Erie Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Vol I (1873) by Samuel Gregg (1810-1877)

Rev. Messrs. Eddy and Plimpton, on the Deerfield Circuit, established an appointment in the town of Charlestown, Portage, Ohio where a Congregational Church, organized in Massachusetts and thence emigrated to this town, held almost unlimited sway, and were determined to keep the Methodists our anyhow. Soon a revival of religion commenced, which continued through the winter, and resulted in the formation of a class consisting of Claudius Coe and wife, Luke Hall and wife, Sarah C. Coe, John Judson Steadman, Edward Steadman, and to this little band others were soon added, among them Diodama Steadman and two young ladies by the name of Hall…

After much difficulty they succeeded in getting a lot at the south-west corner of the square, on which they erected a neat little brick church…”

Editor’s notes:

*Dennis Steadman/Stedman married Matilda Worden. Interestingly, their children included Henry Plimpton Stedman (b. 31 Aug 1834).

*Alpheus Baldwin married Polly Stedman, sister of Dennis Stedman. Polly Stedman is documented as being from MA.

*Watson Stedman was the brother of Dennis Stedman.

Mrs. Adna C. Coe is Prudence Hall, both from MA.

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